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ExpenseMe was previously ProMaster.

Expense Claims Management Software

Make smart expensing easy for your people wherever they work

Brighten up your expensing with web app, mobile app, payroll integration and custom approvals

Give your people in the field the right rules and tools

Policy Alerts

Keep spending within pre-set policy alerts for workers using codes and alerts

Expense Control

Better visibility and detailed reporting reduce admin while increasing compliance control

Keep it Simple

Control user access to certain codes or expenses to reduce confusion and error

Smart expensing can mean smooth user experience


Let users know when things become due or overdue. Stop spending hours on follow ups

Mobile Friendly

Capture, coding and approval in the field for busy staff

Single Sign-On

No more clunky passwords, integrate with your Active Directory via SAML2.0

Simple for users, supporting your complex requirements.

Get empowered users, complete policy support, and easy ecosystem integration.

Get started right away.

Clever solutions, savvy support.

Smart partners, bright futures.