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ExpenseMe was previously ProMaster.

Budget Control
Software for Expense Management

Make budget controls a powerful tool to control employee spend

Alert weekend or high-value spends and automate payroll deductions for accidental personal spend

Keep your expenses swimming within the
policy flags

Real-time Alerts

Set red flag alerts within policy parameters to keep budgets on track

Real-time Reports

Fully customisable dashboard reporting suite for immediate intel

Total Visibility

Customised approvals and reporting, with targeted support for slow users

Manage project allocations and keep budgets tight


Exception Reports

Full and granular spend, merchant analysis and policy exception reporting

Budget Approvals

Expenses trigger budget approver attention wherever required

Expense Grouping

Options for transaction-based or expense reporting modes

Simple for users, supporting your complex requirements.

Get empowered users, complete policy support, and easy ecosystem integration.

Get started right away.

Clever solutions, savvy support.

Smart partners, bright futures.